Cool Down

Cool Down Meditation
Give yourself a few minutes to escape from the outside world.
The music will play for approximately 5 minutes.

Guided in:
Take three deep breaths feeling each inhale and exhale.  Feel the movement of your breath as you begin to close the door to the outside world and go within.  Do an internal scan of your body looking for any areas that are tense and release them. Shake your jaw from side to side; relax your tongue, your shoulders, your stomach, your hips, your legs, your feet, and your toes.  This is your time to let it all go by connecting to your inner self.  If thoughts appear, take a deep breath and draw your awareness onto the peacefulness in the sounds of nurturing music.   Gently close your eyes and surrender to the sound of the music.

Guided out:
When the music has finished playing keep your eyes closed and take a few deep breaths (inhale, pause, exhale).  Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes.  Stretch your arms out and slightly back then release them back down.  Move your head from side to side, front to back.  Lift your shoulders up, back, then down and with a conscious inhale slowly open your eyes then exhale completely.  Sit for a few moments to balance your energy.

Cool Down music by Brandon Caruso
Cherokee Artist

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