If the shoe fits…

by donna on February 27, 2010

There are circumstances and conditions that create our beliefs and when we ask ourselves the question, “what created this belief in me” we are given insight to whether the belief was formed by our authentic self, or created through the absorption of another’s influence.  Is it possible that the beliefs you have adopted to live by belong to someone else and you have unknowingly claimed them as your own?

When we absorb false truths, we walk in the shoes of others accepting them as our own until an unsettling feeling begins to surface.  The feeling exist because our authentic self cannot comfortably walk in other people’s beliefs.  We must be in alignment with our true beliefs to experience the joy of a perfect fit.

Any belief that wasn’t created within the clear space of your inner being belongs to someone else, and any belief created from the thoughts, or the conditions of others belongs to someone else.  This is important to understand because your life, your choices, your path is created by your thoughts and beliefs, and to truly live within your authentic self your beliefs must be in alignment with the core of who you are…your truth.

As a baby, we experience life through the innocence of curious eyes and through a heightened awareness of our senses.  Because we didn’t understand words, we couldn’t be influenced by the thoughts or conditions of others.  Whatever a baby is capable of believing is formed by the thoughts created solely from senses. We all began life with this ability to use our senses to align our beliefs with our authentic self.  Challenge yourself to evaluate your current beliefs and if you find some that may have been absorbed by others, go to that place of heightened awareness and create new beliefs that are in harmony with your authentic self.

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